E-commerce shopping

The Role of AI in E-Commerce Shopping for Brand Growth

If we compare the growth of e-commerce shopping over the last ten years. Then it gained a tremendous amount of notice from the online audience. E-commerce shopping provided business owners with around $900 billion last year only in the US market. And in the next 4–5 years, it is going to generate around $1.7 trillion. 

Today, there are 24 million e-commerce sites. If we talk about the consumers who make purchases from these sites, there are around 2 billion.

Because there are more and more e-commerce sites. One negative effect is that consumers are becoming fatigued while shopping online. This is because each e-commerce store displays a huge number of products all at once. Which makes customers more perplexed about which option will suit them best. As a result, 70% of customers abandon their shopping carts without making any purchases. 

Because they didn’t discover the things to be what they had expected from the product images. 55% of online shoppers who used e-commerce had to return their purchases to the stores. On the other hand, the difficulty in counting the number of e-commerce stores increases the level of competitiveness. Every business strives to provide the greatest services to its customers in order to keep them for future purchases. In these situations, you should figure out a technique to set yourself apart in the level of customer service. So they may not only boost sales but also win over customers’ loyalty.

Drag e-commerce shopping into the future with the combination of AI and your brand

This is the nightmare that is making every online store. And this is the worry about how they can overcome the issue and resolve it. By finding a way that can help their consumers determine the quality between the product that they see in stores and the actual product. Along with this, it has become equally important for brands to make it easier for their online consumers. To see how the merchandise that they are interested in buying will look on them.

For this reason, many e-commerce stores are looking for a way to provide their consumers with a personalized shopping experience. Where users can determine how the dress is going to look on them after they purchase it. Personalization is an approach that online consumers want during their e-commerce shopping process. Where they can select different colors and body shapes as per their preferences. So they don’t get confused or make any wrong purchases. But instead, choose the best dress for them that perfectly aligns with their sizing and color preferences.

The change AI brings to online shopping

AI is constantly increasing its presence in every online aspect. It is s also making its impact on e-commerce shopping. Where it is constantly advancing the way of user experience while making online shopping. The main impact that it is going to make is by providing customization of products as per consumer preference. They can choose and buy the merchandise as per their desired customized dress by just sitting on their couch. You can also say that AI personalization is going to be the future of e-commerce shopping. Where consumers don’t have to fret about receiving a product that is not similar to the picture that they saw online. Which will not only enhance the user experience of online shopping.  But also increase sales and repeat purchases for businesses.

Why consumers need e-commerce shopping personalization through AI

If your e-commerce store wants to keep engaging your consumers while they come to your online store. Then you should utilize AI personalization in your e-commerce shopping. Where you can increase the chances of increasing sales, customer repetition, and boosting conversation.

AI personalization in e-commerce shopping is a verified strategy that comes in many forms. You can implement it in your e-commerce store while making personalized products or product recommendations. 

AI personalization helps customers experience tailored shopping decisions as per their preferences. Where they can select as many single articles or products as they want. Without the presence of AI in online stores, it can miss many opportunities. Users have to scroll through a variety of products just to find the product that they want. Implementing AI personalization can help your consumers to make their shopping quick. It can help you by appearing the most likable product that matches your desires by analyzing recent activities they had while searching for products online. Which helps your business to decrease the chances of cart cancellation. It ultimately guides you to boost your sales and promote the long-term relationship between your store and consumers.

If the implementation of AI personalization has been done efficiently. Then there is no doubt that it can help you enhance brand loyalty among your online consumers. That is why it is not just important to think about using AI personalization in your online store. But also to execute it with well-planned strategies. The factor that might drag you into a situation where you can get confused. This confusion might be about how to implement AI personalization in the huge database of your online consumers.

How AI can impact the e-commerce shopping decisions of consumers

Since technology keeps advancing, AI is not just a concept that you used to see in sci-fi movies. It is making its presence stronger day by day. Every industry is focusing on ways that can help them implement AI personalization in their business. And e-commerce stores are one of them. It is also important for your e-store to make strategies that mainly focus on injecting the strength of your AI into your business. Which can help you keep up with the technology. Implementing AI can help your business provide your consumers with an experience of personalization. Where they can find the perfect match for their desired product.

e-Commerce shopping

A better relationship with your consumers by implementing AI in their e-commerce shopping decisions 

AI is the product of technology that uses natural language processing, usually referred to as NLP, machine learning, and deep learning of data. That helps business owners create personalized brand messaging, products, and services. That ends up being sold to customers as per their desires whenever they visit their e-commerce shop. 

A scenario to highlight the importance of AI in e-commerce shopping

Let’s assume a scenario where there is no concept of the internet or AI. Suddenly a customer visits your store and wants to buy a specific product. For this, your store should have a clerk or employee who can help that customer find the product that they want. Or else it might end up failing to provide the same product that the consumer wants. This scenario not only badly impacts you in terms of spending time with no results. But also damages the relationship between your store and the customer. That also makes it more likely that the consumer will avoid visiting your store again.  It may also make purchases from other stores because you don’t provide your customers with satisfactory services.

Now suppose that it’s an era where technology is at its peak. You are running your online store. Which implements AI in its e-commerce shopping process. In your e-commerce store, suddenly a customer visits to purchase a product that they want. But at this time they don’t have to scroll down the huge list of products just to find their desired one. Or they don’t have to start a conversation with you to get help finding a product. But through AI all the products will appear on their screen that are based on their recent activities and purchases. They just have to pick the perfectly matched products from that list. Also, they can choose the dress as per their body shape, size, and different colors by filtering out and adding their preferences through the AI that you are using for your e-store.

What AI can provide through e-commerce shopping for e-stores?

Since the users get confused when they try e-commerce shopping for any new dresses. Whether the dress doesn’t look like it does on them as per their expectations.  Or if the model that is wearing that dress in the picture of the product that they want to buy has a different body shape. All of this can create a hurdle of worries for consumers. But with the advanced and one of the first AI tools that works to remove all confusion for users. Google provides 3D models of different body types and appearances wearing clothes and realistic photos of fabric. The user can get a deeper look at the material of the cloth they want to buy. These two features of the Google AI version are helping a lot for online stores to enhance their service with a satisfactory user experience.

Let’s take a deeper look at how these features of Google’s version of AI are helping e-commerce stores and online consumers while making their e-commerce shopping

AI can help consumers make purchases by providing them with 3D models of different appearances

A usual difficulty that users face while e-commerce shopping is that they want to purchase something. But don’t know how it is going to look on them after they purchase it. In this case, the product picture doesn’t always help consumers. As per the statistics, 42% of online consumers stated that the picture of models doesn’t help them enough. It doesn’t help them to determine if the product looks the same on them when they wear it. For this reason, Google’s AI feature has launched a very innovative solution for e-commerce stores. Where they can use Google-generated 3D models of different body shapes. It also includes hair colors, skin tones, poses, and hair types. That makes it easier for consumers to analyze the look of the cloth after wearing it through the 3D model with the same body shape and other similar elements.

It puts a refined product list in front of consumers

You have visited a variety of popular online e-commerce stores to find the clothes. But in some brands, you like the jeans but want those jeans in another color. In other brands, you like the color of the jeans but now you don’t want the design of those jeans. This can make you frustrated. You might end up shopping without adding any products to your cart. So what is the solution to this?

E-commerce shopping is not easy with the Google AI version with its machine learning capabilities that study consumers’ recently made purchases. Which helps consumers make purchases by displaying the most likable products based on their activity data. The Google AI version works as per the algorithm of your choice and shows the products with the colors. It also includes designs, fabrics, and styles you like.

Questions? Look Here.

 With AI personalization tools, users will get the products on their screen as per the preferences that they want to see in products whenever they visit online stores for e-commerce shopping.

 A few of the most significant benefits of using AI tools for personalizing e-commerce shopping are that it saves time by showing the most perfect match of consumers, protects the good relationship between the e-commerce store and consumer, helps in building consumer loyalty, and much more.

The best example of AI personalization in e-commerce shopping is providing recommended products that will appear on the user's screen whenever they visit your brand website. Utilizing AI, you can track the past activity of the user on your website and recommend products based on the user's likes and preferences.