Search engine traffic: Bot and its types  

Since technology has advanced, with more search engine traffic, every other business wants to utilize the power of the digital world. So they can show their business’s potential to the online world effectively. It has a lot of benefits not just for business owners but also for their audience. Where they can find any business or make any purchase by just sitting at home and using their phone. This is the reason that many businesses are looking for ways to make their business website more visible on the search engine result pages. And how to make their website rank higher to gather the attention of their audience in order to increase their sales, leads, and ultimately revenue.

That is why every online business with a website is fighting to gain more traffic to their website through advertising, mobile optimization, and much more. If you are aware of the fact that every website needs traffic that can help them rank higher on search engine result pages. Then you should also be aware that of the large number of websites that are generating a ton of traffic. Half of that traffic comes from bot-generated traffic. As per the traffic, 40% of the total generated traffic is actually generated by bots in search engine traffic. This is why it is important for businesses to understand what bots are. What they do in search engine traffic, what they can do to your website, and how you can overcome that.

If you keep reading below, you can get deeper insights about the side of search engines where these bots exist and how they are impacting numerous websites.

What actually are bots?

Let’s begin with an introduction to what bots are. Bots are actually pre-designed software that executes a repetitive task continuously without any human interaction. They don’t need any human interaction to make them perform. They can do the bulk of the same task repetitively. Even boats have the ability to study patterns of human online activities and can perform exactly as per the real user. The reason that people utilize bots in their search engine traffic is. If they need to execute a ton of tasks for a longer time with continuous repetition.

What are bots in search engine traffic?

Bot traffic, which also refers to non-human traffic at search engine sites, is very common on the internet. If you own any website on a search engine, the chances are high that a number of people have visited it before and may visit it again in the future. In fact, bots currently generate 30% of search engine traffic.

If you are now aware of what bots are in search engine traffic. Then the other essential step is to understand what sorts of bots are harmless for your website. Which have the possibility of harming you.

Search engine traffic

Types of bots in search engine traffic that you must know:

If you are thinking that every sort of bot might harm your website. It is simply a misunderstanding. There are some sorts of bots that our website actually needs. If they don’t exist, that may create hurdles for our businesses. Many tasks that we assume are unnecessary will become difficult for us to execute. There are some types of bots in search engine traffic that you should be aware of.

A website utilizes bots to interpret and study a bundle of data at once and also to perform a large number of repetitive tasks continuously. Types of bots in search engine traffic that you should be aware of.

Here are the types of bots that are essential for search engine traffic.

  • Website SEO crawlers
  • Bots for copyright
  • Website monitoring bots
  • Feed bots. 
  • Website SEO crawlers
  • Bots for copyright
  • Website monitoring bots
  • Feed bots. 

Website SEO crawlers

Crawler bots, also referred to as spider bots, are the primary type of bots that are essential for any website to rank on search engine result pages. If you want to understand the importance of this bot in search engine traffic. You can do so by acknowledging that it is the primary source for providing the experience of finding results. Whenever a user inserts their query on search engines. These crawlers visit every website within a few weeks. Whenever a new website is launched on search engines.

The mission of this website SEO crawler is to gather all the information about the website. And add it to the existing information that this crawler already has in the search engine index. SEO tools also utilize these crawlers, such as SEMRush, to optimize search engine result pages for users and help websites rank on search engines.

Bots for copyright

These bots are used to track the platforms used for content creation. Such as YouTube and TikTok, to help creators avoid using content created by others. Through content recognition software, these bots can analyze the visuals and sound of content to examine. If this sort of content has ever been made or published before on these social media platforms. 

Also, these bots study the pattern of waveforms and then find them in their database to find any match. If you want to know how these bots work, you can try to upload any video that has been uploaded before. When you try to re-upload any video, bots will scan that video and show you the results. Which shows that this video has a higher ratio of plagiarism. Other than that, bots will also acknowledge the original creators of that video. If they find similarities during the scan procedure.

Website monitoring bots

These bots not only crawl websites but also serve as website monitoring tools. These website monitoring bots can be helpful. Especially for large websites, to ensure that your website is performing up to par and providing your online customers with satisfaction. Many large sites may face issues such as broken links, delays in page load time, responsiveness, or any glitch in the website. Website monitoring tools designed for maintaining website performance can quickly resolve these issues.

Feed Bots

These types of bots crawl all websites to gather all the information from the search engine result pages. And filter out the most relevant information as per the query of the user that searches on search engines.

Bad bots that you should be aware of

Search engines employ bots to improve website performance on search engine result pages. But there are also bots that can harm a business’s reputation by creating various website-related issues. It is important for the business to understand what these bots can do that may spoil the online reputation of your online brand. And in what ways they can impact the performance of your website on search engine result pages.

These are the bad bots that can harm your website.

  • Ad-click bots that are actually scams
  • Bots of shopping
  • Disturbed Denial-of-service Attack bots
  • Spam comment bots
  • Email scrapers.  


Ad-click bots that are actually scams

This problem is one of the main ones that digital marketers have to face. These types of bots are programmed to click on pay-per-click ads. Potentially wasting the digital marketing budget of businesses and spoiling online marketing campaigns. These bots study human activity and website interaction patterns, then mimic these behaviors when visiting websites. They stay on websites longer than the average real user, scroll through websites. And also visit multiple websites in no particular order. These are the most harmful bots for search engine traffic to your websites.

Bots of shopping

These bots are the main reason why they conduct DDoS attacks on online businesses. The main difficulty that these bots have is that they scan and find the best-selling product on the website. Then they add all of those products to the cart until all of the stock is added to their cart. So, whenever the online user visits your website and wants to purchase that product, they find out that those products have already sold out. The consumer feels disappointed and leaves your website to find that product on Panther’s website.

Disturbed Denial-of-Service Attack Bots

DDos is the sort of bot that may harm website performance by filling up with spam comments.      Also, interactions and queries until the website crashes due to a huge load of data. Website servers have to deal with a load of data to interpret. Whenever they have to deal with a huge amount of incoming data to manage. Those servers may fail to perform, and the result of this is that your website may shut down or become unresponsive.

Spam comment bots

These spam comment bots may spam irrelevant messages or advertisements to your website. Which may land your users on any irrelevant website, and they may also spam your website just to get a backlink from your website to their website.

Email scrapers.  

These sorts of bots are designed to scan your consumer list and the visitors that interact most with your website and then mail them maliciously.

How can you realize that you have bots in your search engine traffic?

Every online business wants to generate maximum ROI from their website and increase their online visibility on search engine result pages by generating more search engine traffic. But all of this will be possible if you have the correct data to interpret and make future decisions to make your online business perform better. But due to bad bots, they can mislead you by creating an interruption in your business analytics. That’s why it is essential to find a way that can help you determine if there are any bad bots present on your website.

Considering this a huge problem for online marketers, Google has introduced a new tool named Google Analytics. Which can help you by providing all the statistics of your brand’s performance by analyzing all the past activities that happened at your website. Using Google Analytics is a smart move for online businesses. Because it helps them identify the ratio of bot websites currently present on their website. How can you realize that you have bots in your search engine traffic. Also, how you can find out the traffic that your website is generating that is not part of your marketing campaign? Let Ozac help you to make your way to find the answers

Tips to detect bot search engine traffic in Google Analytics 

Here is a simple guide through which you can interpret the bot traffic on your website by using Google Analytics.

  1. Go to your Google Analytics profile and click on “Acquisition” in the left-hand menu.
  2. Tap on “All traffic and Channels”. 
  3. Find the Default Channel Grouping and tap on “Referral”. 
  4. Analyze the list of referral sources. If there is some unknown resource there, then it might be due to bot traffic.
  5. Monitor the bounce rate and average duration of visits to your website. If the statistics show that you have a 100% bounce rate but a zero average duration of visit. Then it is a sign that bots are the reason behind this.

Questions? Look Here.

The reason the bot can create website traffic is that they can visit websites to analyze the ranking and search engine optimization of those websites.

DDos attacks, unresponsiveness of pages, and slow websites are the bad effects that bots can have on SEO. 


As per the statistics, 40% of the overall traffic to search engine result pages has been created by bots.